Summer 2024: Tuesdays 10am to 1:15pm
Course Description & Purpose
This course addresses critical professional and personal components of the graduate student journey. You will be provided with the tools develop foundational knowledge and skills needed to succeed in both academic and non-academic worlds. We will also introduce you to the abundant opportunities available across the institution for graduate students to develop as teachers, scholars, speakers, and researchers. The assignments you will complete are designed to motive you to take initial steps for developing and engaging your professional identities. Using an empowerment perspective, the goal is to ensure that you and every student in the course is able to take ownership of your journeys, and develop equitable relationships across of spheres of their graduate education and beyond.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, the successful student should be able to:
Describe important aspects of being a successful students, and prepare accordingly during their training
Understand key elements of academic productivity measures, and develop a key plan for success in these areas (e.g. publication plan, grant application goals)
Enact skills and agency reflecting their professional growth and learning
Apply sound principles of self advocacy and self reflection when engaged in research, service and
other key aspects of graduate education experiences -
Engage in meaningful collaboration with other students, colleagues and the community
Identify key elements of graduate training skills and knowledge to craft applications materials as needed for both academic and non academic career trajectories
Psychology Doctoral Student and permission of instructor.
All Readings will available to download on the Weekly Resources Page.
The course assignments contain multiple components that build toward completing a portfolio to guide and document their graduate school journey. The assignments follow the course content structure and ensure that students are gaining practical experiences along with personal enrichment. See full assignment details in Canvas or the assignment's page linked below:
Degree Plan (10 Points)
Digital Portfolio (20 Points)
Elevator Speech (15 Points)
Position Announcements Reflection (5 Points)
CV & Resume (20 Points)
Reading Facilitation (10 Points)
Participation & Attendance (20 Points)